Rules & Regulations

School Rules

  • School hours are from 9.00 a.m. to 4.10 p.m.
  • The school begins with prayer (assembly) and all are expected to be present for the same.
  • Absentees must bring the leave letter duly signed by parents;
  • All pupils must be habitually clean and always neatly dressed.
  • Spoken English is much preferred inside the campus.
  • Habitual late coming or coming to school with improper/incomplete uniform may call for disciplinary action inclusive of being sent back home.
  • On such occasions the parents are requested to come and take the students home. The school declines all responsibilities for their safe return if parents request the school to send them home on their own.
  • Every student must have a copy of the school diary and it must be brought to school on class days. However school prospectus is for parents for reference point of view.
  • It is compulsory to wear ID Cards for the teachers and students in the school premises.
  • Students are expected to be attentive in class and do their class work and home work regularly.
  • The vacations may not be anticipated or extended without prior permission. Non-attendance on the first day of class after any vacation is considered a serious breach of discipline. Absence without permission will not be allowed except on reasons like sudden illness or grave unforeseen circumstances. 'Time for study', 'urgent business', 'religious ceremonies', 'non availability of return ticket', 'late return from holiday' etc., are not valid or sufficient reasons for absence for the school.
  • The students should take care to keep their class rooms and premises clean.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and their belongings.
  • The students are not permitted to bring valuables and fancy goods like expensive watches, ornaments, cameras mobile phones etc. to the school no objectionable audio, video or printed material may be brought to school or exchanged in the school
  • If these things are confiscated, they will not be returned. The school will not be responsible for the articles that are lost.
  • The HM is the final authority in all matters of admission of individual students in the school.
  • School van available at present, so parents may avail the facility to make their child to reach school. This facility is available for classes 6th standard to 9th standard
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School Fees

  • The school fees cover twelve calendar months. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Students are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls. Fees once paid will not be refunded. The fees are to be paid in advance before the academic year starts.
  • All dues must be paid before the school year ends.
  • Pupils whose fees are long overdue will be debarred from sitting in the class/ for an examination. If the dues exceed three months the name is liable to be stuck off the register, and to continue, the re-admission fee will be charged.
  • The school reserves the right to increase the fees as per fees committee appointed by government of Tamil Nadu.
  • One may consider himself/herself admitted only after payment of all fees required at the time of admission. Subsequent withdrawal, or non-attendance on the required day will mean the cancellation of the admission and no refund will be considered except the caution money if applicable.

Club Activities

  • Literary club
  • Science club
  • Mathematics club
  • Social Science club
  • Consumer club
  • Scouts and Guides
  • Road safety patrol
  • Junior red cross
  • National cadet corps
  • National service scheme
  • Physical education and yoga
  • Co-curricular activities
  • Educational tour

Safety & Security

The management has installed more than 70 cameras inside and outside the campus to monitor the activities, and for the welfare of the students to make them feel safe.

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